What is your goal?

Angela welcomes the opportunity to create the perfect program for your group because she knows the best training is custom-tailored to fit your specific audience. Below are her areas of expertise and a great place to get started. Download a Program Catalog to share with your team.


Develop inbound marketing that wows your members, clients, and consumers. Learn to focus on what your consumers want and you will find success.


Create exceptional experiences and impactful programming. Organize and execute with ease. Innovate by fostering collaboration.


Increase your success rate, whether you're selling your product, service, or personal brand. How you prepare and deliver your presentation matters.


Become the leader you wish you had. Embrace the power of perspective, empathy, and collaboration to elevate your leadership and your team.

Content Marketing is THE Approach

Content Marketing is THE approach for organizations who want to stay relevant and engaged with their members/clients because it means providing thoughtful, useful assets in a variety of formats for consumption and use.

Learn practical approaches to creating content regardless of staff size and discuss how to encourage staff to create content.

Explore a case study where rules and regulations were turned into positively-rated content.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Develop content marketing based on your frequently asked questions.
  2. Create multiple pieces of content based on an individual topic.
  3. Utilize all staff in the content creation process to maximize staff knowledge and content output.

Organizing Your Communication Calendar to Engage Year-Round

Today’s consumer wants a cohesive, customized, and complete experience. We can have all the tools in the world to help us achieve this, but if we don’t take the time to organize and create a fundamental plan, our tools will only churn out mediocre content that does not engage. With member engagement, recruitment, and retention being the top challenges facing today’s association professionals, it’s time to review and improve your annual editorial calendar and communication schedule to deliver exceptional member experiences. Learn how to plan and systematize now in order to engage and retain year-round.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Develop and/or improve your current editorial calendar.
  2. Create a comprehensive annual communication schedule.
  3. Utilize standard operating procedures (and then automate them) to create communication that increases retention and engagement.

Always be Improving: Organize, Execute, and Improve Your Next Event

Learn how to organize and execute a top-notch event. By focusing on design-thinking, attendee experience, and volunteer management you can take your next event or program to level you've been dreaming of. This program is a deep dive into all aspects of event planning from start to finish.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Review and discuss how to organize yourself to coordinate an event.
  2. Create/review marketing schedule.
  3. Create/review registration process.
  4. How to prepare staff and/or volunteers to assist leading up to and day of event.
  5. How to conduct a Run of Show meeting for staff and volunteers pre-event.
  6. Day of execution.

Present Like a Pro

Learn how to develop your presentations to more effectively connect with stakeholders/members/sponsors.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Learn how to engage your audience through the use of storytelling.
  2. Find your voice to entertain and delight.
  3. Hone your physical presentation skills.
  4. Formulas to develop winning presentations.

What are you waiting for? Let Angela know which program you're interested in customizing for your group.

Drop us a line today for a free consultation - no strings attached!